Wednesday, November 21, 2018
No, God's judgement 1986/2001-2018, upon King of kings Mystery Babylon America/ West Rule. As warn, beginning from California/Canada, when a predicted 2015/16, multinuclear Pacific Ring of Fire domino into a predicted Disaster Hawaii, domino in a Memphis TN New Madrid, and Hawaii, May 5, 2018, a 16th Matrix, Rev. 16, began to blow. Unendingly why Rev. 10 Great Angel and Rev. 17, 7th angel where so anxiously so, Jan 26-29 2018, forewarning, the Midwest, the Midsouth and the Eastern Seaboard; actually the entire North American continent. That's to as well as the US, Canada, West, Northwest to be on high RED ALERT, no further delays, desolations come. Since spring 1986, Jesus live appearing, saying three times, Rev. 4, come up here! Apostle I am 1986-2016/17/18, can as Revelation write a book about the Bride's escape to King of kings Mystery Babylon America multi-extinction levels removal now come. Doubtlessly, as I doing Bush 2003, predicted a Hussein Whitehouse; that Pres. Trump's declarations of Israel, the US Embassy and war would be followed by sudden destruction US soil/Western soil, just an outbreak with Cate 4/5 storms, now since Hurricane Harvey into Typhoon Yutu. Equally coming for decades now, I found myself in a dream March 13 2018, inviting people from these areas, as from US States of barbecue instead into Georgia. Then by October 2018, reminded, predicted 2018, ELE's for Thanksgiving and Christmas, with Rev. 10 and 17 Angel crying no more doomsday passovers pending and admittedly your home/earth been quaking, erupting, flooding, burning, freezing and inundating; with a crushed, cracked crystallized sky missiling down, threatening, all life as well. Knowing who? (God's Love/Wrath/Noah's cousin); why? (US/West Rule weight of blood guilt); what? ELE'S/ Unforseen death tolls, US soil this planet; where? The single OFFER, no futher delays, get to Georgia/Africa or Jesus/Heaven and may God bless it! Beware, Apostle Pat Bradford, (Apb) The Rising Above Ministry ( The RAM)! See more here, and
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