Friday, February 1, 2019

-And Revelation First Says, Blessed Are The Hearers And Doers Of This Prophecy, For The Time Is At Hand, Meaning All Others Are Cursed, beware, Apb


   Heads up, fruit recall, Listeria scare, right now those sold by the package, ALDI stores. This recall could refer back days ago, to the single bitten apple, I mean other than original sin yet abounds, now beast infested lives, lands and churches. I saw one single egg tossed in the trash years back that soon referred to the largest recall on egg distributions this country's history. Beware the single egg I saw only days past parked the trash can, a trash pending, could reference the same, a reproduction danger. Plus youtube Ice Age Farmer did warn us with every manner of our food source wiped out nationally and internationally. That's by unprecedented forms of predicted sudden destruction, until the lender is now the borrower, riches to rags seatbeds and sleepovers, all. Seems science and innovation our food source blasted are prepping us to eat insects both as a nutritional value to a delicacy; he warn as well about this so called polar Vortex (mini ice age/Ci-buna) gripping the country. Though predicted, except here, or southeast states/Africa, anyway, perhaps a Briexit to a Blaexit isn't such bad ideas. I know even to naturally nourish ourselves is come as a strenuous to deadly tug of nuclear war to spinning a Russian Roulette, bullet chamber, neither blessed ways out, NEITHER!. May I as always suggest all Billions of us put on the whole armor of God, Jesus/Archangel blessed guardian, yoke,  HEAR WHEN HE CALL US UP! Transforming, medicating heart blood, bruises, wounds, his chasement for our peace now our Holy Spirit Companion and stripes of healing. Those stripes prophet Malachi ages ago designed as healing wings, then there is Father God crying behind a Rev 8, silence that none perish! Jesus' crying how often he look to gather us all as a hen doeth gather her brew, yes into those healing wings. Those blessed things I also witnessed spring 1986, of course the book of Psalms is filled with plenteous of their unspeakable tales. Though I feel I only heard, well I did witnessed those escaping captured one by glorious one into a ballooning cloud, others call healing wings. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, the Prophet Ezekiel saw them, HEALING WINGS, when Gods glorious Chariot left off from earth's damning Temples, that said wings had a mans hand underneath them. Perhaps see more here, I Thess 4:16-18, I Cor. 15: 51-58, Rev. 4:1; therefore those Born-again, Rev 1-3, Jesus/Archangel Of Resurrection, again bearing hearing wings, say, STAND and when you by God's whole armor have done all to stand, STAND!! Knowing, 2 Peter 3:11, molten, fiery inundation earth is upon us, get it, get Jesus, get out, as to pluck ambers from the smoke of America/West Rule/Planet Earth burning, beware, Apb, The RAM

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