Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Towering, Infested With Fleas Pale Horse I Saw, America's, West Rule Weight Of Blood, Christmas 2001,

He That Believeth Not, Is Condemned Already,

     -I too 1998, have seen foreign troops on US soil, but it was three nights of dreaming war on US soil, come the words, Warsaw, West Worthy and Epidemic; this season's flu shot Bill Gates warning 30 mil dead, is backing, could be the actual antidote. I remember telling my pastor 1998, America would again be at war, he didn't like it, like any American he went into full throttle denial.
     -In the dreams, one enemy was Arab, I remember thinking Saddam Hussein, making Sept. 11, Bush wars, into five US admins now, a partial fulfillment; next night the enemy was Asian, an Asian invasion on US soil, they were everywhere. Here is the reminder both of these reveals, war on US soil where revisited 2015.
     -One, when by a dream of one who would only hours later be named a terrorist, Syed Farook. Soon, he (pending Islamic reign) by a dream the night before had taken full reckless steering of my car, (dwindling Bride/West Rule) making me the passenger, like taking a backseat.
     -Second, the Asian invasion was revisited as by a dream I stood in the mirror this body snatcher or freaky friday. Though it was all me,  I had the appearance of a young Asian male, really, really freaky.
     -I know by Rev. 11, I doing Bush predicted a Hussein Whitehouse and world reign. Though many dreams and visions pointed to an Islamic world rule as well.     
     -Whereas I always warn China would roll with Russia or vice versa. Predicted China wouldn't allow America to make war on North Korea or any other Asian providence for any reason. 
     -Just think this invasion US soil is just another scenario that they're all come. As forewarn, every manner of forming Megas to extinction level events US/Western soil. Actually, hearing a cry from heaven Trump 2017, yours is a nuclear fate, war on US soil is one way into doomsday of many pending. 
     -I don't know who Jonxarmy or Marfoogle are talking to, I just know they're right and their timing expert. God has as essentially, Eze 4, Rev 17/18, laid a siege my thirty plus years of prophetic ministry.
     -Set as days of old but now against king of kings Mystery Babylon America, West Rule. Daniel 5, weight of blood guilt done, Jer. 37:8 1998, unveil besides God it's primary enemy, that the Chaldeans are coming. Doing 2015, I participated in a ceremony, the Lamb's book open to a roll call, census taking, making all other life expendable.
      -There is as Noah's, Moses, even at Jesus saying flee, this escaping the smoke of her burning. Beware procrastinators, even your autos are being targeted, use them or lose them; commanded reapers/little Miya girl, See, Eze 5 and 9, get southeast or skyward or perish.
     -A predicted two quarters of the earth's populace will be lost, Eze 38-39, Dan 7-12, Rev 10-18, none but the blood washed, stamped and sealed will stand, but only as theirs like His is ascension, glorification, the marriage supper and for better homeless shelters than Malibu's, ....mansions in heaven, no more death nor corruption! Beware, Apb, The RAM, see

     The Towering, Infested With Fleas Pale Horse I Saw, America's, West Rule Weight Of Blood, Christmas 2001, Until 15.10 Years and 40 days Be fulfilled 1-22  Revelation Books, A Thanksgiving, 2017, a 36th Matrix Ten Day Count

     -Unknowingly I was online the very anniversary of the spanish flu epidemic, warning to reminding that after pending  doomsday by an extinction level event, followed was an outbreak in the form of  Rev. 6, 4th seal, palehorse judgment. I explained how doing the intrepid dream, how once the weigh scale, was done, ead instead to the back of the weigh station, where it was totally clear, we'd time traveled back like hundreds of years, 190 I guess and as they were like escaping me out, I kept wondering I would I eave without my car presently wouldn't be a shock at all, but in 2001 a car that' drove off without me, its driver. here they come leading this towering, beige horse toward me, and I'm like I can't ride a horse, plus it was huge and it was infested with fleas. Raise your hand if you knew one day this cursed, earthly world system would come to an end, raise your other hand, if you ever prayed God's kingdom come on earth, now thank God for knowing and praying that you know.
    -Years later not only would I get to see how this designed pathogen look, this, well what is now being called disease X, truly as I viewed it under a microscope. I was being told and shown how something old, like the deadliest of the Spanish flu combined with the deadliest of bird/swine flu, so what I saw was to look at the backward letter c shape of the flu virus only with a cluster viron it's middle. Making further sense that when I laid eyes  on those as the western days now infected, they always shaped their hands into the a backward letter c, so there's no doubt a it's a prodigy of flu outbreak but one designed to be it's most lethal. Now if these innovators have same devillsh to demonic competitive spirit as those creating the atom to nuclear bombs. Surely the death tolls this evil will engendered little matter to them, only success, plus we know prophetically, the pale horse judgment alone will claim a quarter of the earth, this is not including, the quarter claimed from the pouring out of God's winepress, Rev 16,  to the Antichrist, reign, Rev. 13, knowing who, why, what and where, get Jesus ans get out!, beware, Apb  

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