Sunday, December 2, 2018

All Come, All Come, All Come to Destroy American To Western Soil, No Further Delays, Apb

       -Daniel 4:4, How King Of Kings Mystery Babylon America, West Rule Was Lost, Doomsday Matrix/Rev 17/18,

     -As the US people cried to the since 1974/5 petrodollar, handlebars of manslaughter to genocide. That's now to Trump's 2017, shed more blood, "make America great," heaven cried back "yours is a nuclear fate."..Apostle Paul simply said, God is not mocked by the sacrifices of the unrighteous!Jesus said repent or perish, Beware, Apb

A comment said, In 24 Hrs Democrats Will Blame Trump for Alaska's Earthquakes,

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be looking at my Memphis/New Madrid son, 01/13-16/2018, a 5th Matrix/Rev 5, proceeding predicted, disaster Hawaii affecting Memphis, missile scare, saying, "the downtown newspapers bells are ringing,"
    - Seen to be seeing 12/02/2018, the word prayer stretch across the entire worldwide sky, repent ye or perish, see Ps 51,
     -Seen to be seeing Oct 25, 2018, a 33rd Matrix, 1-22 Rev Chapts opened, more bear beast, readying one, grazing on the horizon of the worst still to come, while the single word tribulation scrolled non-stop on the news ticker, got God's Trump, Jesus yet? Beware, Apb

ERROR/ERA/ERROR, can you put Trump alighed to Gog and Magog Amin back in the demonic, genie bottle? No, but like all sin, you can repent of it, get Jesus and get out if it, no further delay!

  -Blaming Trump for Alaska's quake,, strange, even ironic you would say that, exactly this time last year, Dec 3-4, 2017. So a first Matrix, Rev 1st. Say only a few hours prior of Pres Trump and Palestine Abbas debated over Jerusalem and the US Embassy. Instead I was in a dream, had an artistic, Memphis Nephew Carter by the hand as we crossed now the Obama's/Little Miya Memphis Dunlap street. Suddenly the elephants of staying unaware began stampeding along a wilderness, dirt path. Began causing a mighty, worldwide ruckus, a scattering/shattering of people, just uprooted all things there are, they treasure. I predicted it would, Trump's declarations, followed by sudden destruction, got it down to a date, Aug 29th 2017, then Harvey and such the like, Michaels, Hawaii's, YUTU, Campfire, have happen to all US territory Island to coastal lands for over a year since. So then if you check, this gignormous scatter of elephants of staying unaware been quaking, breaking, erupting, flooding, burning and inundating, well it's been ringing earths and heavens bells since. Still as predicted by me, since predicted Hawaii eruption, the rising of molten lava under US States of barbecue; so with the raining down of fireballs, our crystal skies are going as well. Truly see Pres. Carter vs Pres Trump, figure why international affairs gone awry from there, got earths bells ringing as well. Why doing Trump campaign God shot a fury at them as, at Ezekiel's, Gog and
Magog. The morning of the 2017 inauguration, I heard in my hearing, the same error Saddam, error Gaddafi and now error Assad/Abbas, 50 million US/Western soil will die. Whereas, as the people cried at his Whitehouse make America great, heaven cried back, yours is a nuclear fate. Knowing who, why, what, when and where to exodus, southeast or skyward, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb

Solar Flares

-In Dec 2001, during an Ezekiel 8, fly over the country, just as the white house from California burn, I saw walmarts burn as well, no further delays, the commanded exodus from the smoke of America's burning is southeast into Georgia/Africa or skyward into Jesus/heaven, beware, Apb
-Made to see 2015, fuel canisters all set in a circle and went on one by one to be set ablaze, further being made to see something disastrous happen to Hawaii, that left Memphis children orphans. These two predicted 2015/16 Mega's was two part to a three part reveal, the third part was as of an EMP to CME attack, cars, lights all just suddenly gone, even local utilities couldn't help This disastrous event lasted long enough an entire multicultural neighborhood seemed to just band together and since they were east they began walking southeast, no further delays, beware, Apb, see more here,

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