Saturday, December 15, 2018

Is The Secret Of Memphis, That The New Madrid Fault Is Just as Dangerous, At Limits As The US West Pacific Seismic Areas

Prophecy Links

    I'm looking at my Memphis son, he's looking at me, there's already predicted by his Memphis mother, son, daughter, 1986/2015/2016, a disaster Pacific ring of fire/Hawaii/Memphis TN/EMP/CME. Only now here he is saying, Jan 13-16, 2018, the morning of the Hawaii inbound missile alert, and I quote, "momma, your worrying after me, got the downtown, newspaper bells ringing? Beware, Apb 

Woe, Woe, Woe! Matrix, 6, Rev 6, 6th seal, 1996/Jan 26-29th, 2018,

Is The Secret Of Memphis, That The New Madrid Fault Is Just as Dangerous, At Limits As The US West Pacific Seismic Areas? 

     -Regardless that an extinction level event portrayed by an Intrepid Car Dream, Dec. 24/25/2001 suddenly set the country back for 190 years. Landing us all back to these times 1811/1812, therefore  know your Memphis, New Madrid history, I believe the New Madrid fault zone, especially, since my entire ministry. Dating back to spring 1986, when a Jesus of resurrection live appearing, three times saying come up here, that when a holy watcher angel, walked up to me, 2017. Asked, what are the secrets of Memphis," America, thou knowest? Forewarn again, the New Madrid, having produced the largest quakes on US soil ever, predicted to by an Hawaiian disaster, be as well completely devastated, leaving Memphians orphans.
     -Possibly is then a bigger threat to US soil, than Cascadia, than the San Andres, with two sizable quakes, predicted Oct 2017, a 10.2 quake, and days later, I heard and quote, "major, major, earthquake, West Pacific Canada. Although there's many years of proof, during Bush, i witnessed a huge container fall on saddam hussein, then heard and quote, "Saddam is injured and will not recover," just a time later, a breaking news report said this same. Heard in my, rest thirty thousand lives, an earthquake hit, Iran, left a death toll, of 30 thousand. How many of you remember me telling you, 2017, there's something about the date, August, 29th, August 29th, President Trump, who's declarations of peace and safety even yet, I warn would be followed by sudden destruction.
     -He was in Texas at this time, assessing hurricane Harvey whereas such weather anomalies, have replayed this same disastrous to deadly scenario along US islands and Coastal areas, since, right into monsters like Michael and YUTU, beware. Apostle I am shared for years now, how during the worst outbreak of earthquakes and volcanic activity, 2010/2011, I felt each one live in my Memphis, Raleigh home. Once while my husband stood right there, ready for work, didn't see, feel nor hear a thing, again while in my bed, windows, walls all severely shook, once in my pantry, that felt as though a mack truck was driving right through us.
     -As so once, the first of its kind, 1986, remind me of Jeremiah's lamentations for some odd reason, while at work, when the bottom just fell out of the earth. Just as so the one in my living room, 2011, when it again felt like the bottom just fell out of the earth, talked to a Memphis niece lately about it, she goes yeah! Our science teacher said, that if New Madrid ever have another major quake, Memphis will go into the Mississippi River, see the act of liquefaction as well. I'm just saying, you guys ever seen the movie, 'Into The Storm? Those two lame, brain storm chasers, well telling my Memphis to American family these three decades about these lurking dangers, it's kinda like telling those two out of three stooges, Larry, Curly and Moe, making mockery of forewarnings. I like Noah and family know I'm about to watch millions die US soil, predicted five us administrations now, Bush through Trump, 50 million in total US/Western soil.
     -Actually the Church Bride witnessed it like as Prophet Jeremiah, Lamentation, Jesus Matthew 24, end of the world scenario, Apostle John's Revelation 18, from right up there, the second to third heavens. The alerts, FEMA/Homeland Security/Social Media send out, are only as governor Pilate that day, a public display of washing his hands then, of Jesus' innocent blood. Only now the public display, from religious/political/social media, leaders is the ridding of themselves of your blood, because until they call mandatory evacuations. That's a Moses day exodus, along the entire from Hawaii/the North American Craton,US /Canada States of barbecue, telling you to prep to shelter in place, is like telling you to stay to add fuel to the Noah's cousin. As of 2 Pet 3:11, inundation by fire, US soil, that burn all, again, ALL, whereas according to Rev 10, Rev 17, great angels, Jan 26-29th 2018, there is no further delays; blessed are the hearers and doers of the smoke of America's burning, Eze 5/Rev, 18, for the time is at hand, get it, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb,

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